《Digital Booklet - Running Man_ Nike+》.pdf

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Artist Inspiration: I may as well say this up-front: I don’t really run. Yet when Nike asked me to do this track I was smitten. It’s not as if I suddenly thought I’d start running my own marathons but there was a musical challenge there and I got excited. I strapped on my sneakers. I’m used to making tracks for DJs to play in their sets for short attention-span audiences. Making a 45-minute piece took me to a whole other paradigm not only in terms of length but pacing as well. There would be much more room to build tracks up, break them down, play with the sonics and of course, just let the music breathe. I started thinking about how I would construct something that long. Of course I’d start by making individual songs. But then I’d have to weave them together so that the listener (the runner!) doesn’t get interrupted or distracted. I always wanted to make an album where all the songs are connected and build from one to the next. Here was my chance. I tied my shoelaces and my brother helped me make sure I didn’t trip. I’ve been producing mostly up-tempo, electro tracks as of late but my background is hip-hop and I think you can hear it in my choice of sounds. I wanted this record to showcase my current style, but I also didn’t want to stray away from hip-hop completely. That is why you find guest rap verses in the mix, plenty of chopped screwed vocals, and a hefty dose of drum beats that are surely more block party then Ibiza. But enough musings. Time to take this show on the road. Make a run for it. Tune Your Run With Nike+ Seeing the results of steadfast training is the ultimate motivator. Team this workout with Nike+ and you’ll receive real-time feedback on how far and how fast you’ve run, and the ability to easily track your progress. Using Running Man: Nike+ Original Run is simple: Choose Basic from the Workouts Menu on your iPod nano. In Settings, select 1 either a male or female coach. 2 Dial up Running Man: N


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