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Design for Environment Product Design and Development Design for Environment Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Design and Development The new ISO TR 14062 – Part 2: Contents and Practical Solutions 1 2 Ferdinand Quella * and Wulf-Peter Schmidt 1 Dr. Ferdinand Quella, Siemens AG, Corporate Product Related Environmental Protection, Munich, Germany (Ferdinand.Quella@) 2 Dr. Wulf-Peter Schmidt, Technical Specialist Vehicle Recycling, Ford, Henry Ford Str., E/R-201, Cologne, Germany (wschmi18@ ) ________________________________________ * Corresponding author DOI: /10.1065/ehs2003.03.006 DOI: /10.1065/ehs2003.02.005 DOI: /10.1065/ehs2003.03.007 Abstract. The new ISO TR 14 062 offers a manifold of examples how to integrate environmental aspects into product design and develo pment. With some selected examples it is demonstrated what can be done and how. In every company a consequent and logical way from the business strategy to the organizational changes and integration of the aspects has to be derived depending on the existing way of business. Therefore the form of a Technical Report can only offer a list of options for selection. However, a skilled manager can easily adopt the already existing, corresponding management system. Strategic and business thinking is nevertheless necessary for application. Although the Technical Report offers several options there are often very limited opportunities for a specific company due to two reasons: Firstly, integration has to be achieved into the existing company specific framework of management and product development. Secondly, in this paper information is only provided about the addition of environmental aspects and tools for this purpose, but many other influences like social acceptance or competition hav


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