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HKPhO 香港物理競賽20 13 Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2013 2013 年香港物理奧林匹克競賽 Jointly Organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education 香港資優教育學苑 The Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government 香港特別行政區政府教育局 The Physical Society of Hong Kong 香港物理學會 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學 共同舉辦 19 May, 2013 2013 年5 月19 日 Rules and Regulations 競賽規則 1. All questions are in bilingual versions. You can answer in either Chinese or English. 所有題目均爲中英對照。你可選擇以中文或英文作答。 2. The multiple-choice answer sheet will be collected 1.5 hours after the start of the contest. You can start answering the open-ended questions any time after you have completed the multiple-choice questions without waiting for announcements. 選擇題的答題紙將於比賽開始後一小時三十分收回。若你在這之前已完成了選擇題 ,你亦 可開始作答開放式題目,而無須等候任何宣佈。 3. Please follow the instructions on the multiple-choice answer sheet, and use a HB pencil to write your 8-dight Participant ID Number in the field of “I. D. No.”, and fill out the appropriate circles fully. After that, write your English name in the space provided and your Hong Kong ID number in the field of “Course Section No.” 請依照選擇題答題紙的指示,用HB 鉛筆在選擇題答題紙的“I. D. No.” 欄上首先寫上你的8 位數字參賽號碼,並把相應寫有數字的圓圈完全塗黑 ,然後在適當的空格填上你的英文姓 名,最後於“Course Section No. ” 欄內填上你的身分證號碼。 1 HKPhO 香港物理競賽20 13 4. After you have made the choice in answering a multiple choice question, fill the corresponding circle on the multiple-choice answer sheet fully using a HB pencil.


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