《How do I submit a paper to a scientific journal_SciDev.Net》.pdf

《How do I submit a paper to a scientific journal_SciDev.Net》.pdf

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《How do I submit a paper to a scientific journal_SciDev.Net》.pdf

Putting science at the heart of development Home Practical Guides PRACTICAL GUIDES How do I submit a paper to a scientific journal? Max ine Clarke Nature 11 February 2008 | EN Flickr/cudmore Maxine Clarke takes us through the processes inv olv e d in submitting a pape r to a scie ntific j ournal. Before submitting a paper to a scientific journal, two factors should be kept in mind. The first is the need to ensure that you have a clear, logical message. The second is to present your paper in the correct format for the journal to which you intend to submit the paper. The first of these is the most important. However careful and beautiful the presentation, a paper will not be published unless it has a clear, sound conclusion (editors of reputable journals will always be happy to advise authors whose scientific conclusions are publishable but who have difficulty in presenting these conclusions in, say, a foreign language). Before submitting a paper, therefore, be sure that you have something important and publishable to say. To know this, you should discuss your results with others working in the field, both in your own institution and elsewhere. The best way to do this is to present your results at scientific meetings — if you can get to them. An additional (or alternative) strategy is to join an email list relevant to your field, and use that to obtain feedback about your research plans, and learn about results from others in the field. Discuss your ideas and proposed paper with people whose work you respect and admire. It may be a good idea to send one or two key scientists a brief summary of your paper, and ask them to send you some informal comments on whether it is worth your while writing a full paper, or if whether you should to do some more work first (and if so, wha


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