《How to choose the most suitable for your food items-Bruce Dou》.pdf

《How to choose the most suitable for your food items-Bruce Dou》.pdf

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《How to choose the most suitable for your food items-Bruce Dou》.pdf

One-stop services for flexible packaging One-stop services for flexible packaging OOnnee--ssttooppsseerrvviicceessffoorrfflleexxiibblleeppaacckkaaggiinngg How to choose the most suitable for your food items How to choose the most suitable for your food items HHoowwttoocchhoooossee tthheemmoossttssuuiittaabbllee ffoorryyoouurr ffooooddiitteemmss To get a most suitable packaging solution for your lovely item, you have to consider several points tomake it perfect. Upon my knowledge and experience, basically you shall take these factors into your consideration. 1) Tensile strength 1) Tensile strength 11)) TTeennssiillee ssttrreennggtthh Tensile strength is the basis of whole bag strength, and this is also the first factor we shall consider. Other factors, such as heat sealing, pressure resistant ability, fall off ability, anti penetrate ability also have some relative with it. Tensile strength is up to the materials you choose for your packaging solution. CPP, BOPP, PET, PE, PVC, Nylon, Al, Paper, PVA, lamination film, etc, different tensile strength has to be carefully considered. 2) Elongation rate 2) Elongation rate 22)) EElloonnggaattiioonnrraattee Elongation rate is similar as tensile strength, is our consideration. When the packaging bag suffers outside impact, fall off, etc, whether the bag will break, elongation rate has influence on the possibility. Usually speaking, high elongation rate cause less possibility of bag breakage. 3) Tear Strength 3) Tear Strength 33)) TTeeaarr SSttrreennggtthh Tear strength is the stress on the cross section of film, working as a resistance for the initial tear force. 4) Peel strength: 4) Peel strength: 44)) PPeeeell ssttrreennggtthh:: For lamination film, peel strength is essential consideration. Some items may require low peel strength, that will be convenient for consumers to use. Some items may require high bond strength to well pro


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