《How to Import MovieClips into a Flash Builder ActionScript Project _ Code and Visual》.pdf

《How to Import MovieClips into a Flash Builder ActionScript Project _ Code and Visual》.pdf

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《How to Import MovieClips into a Flash Builder ActionScript Project _ Code and Visual》.pdf

13-1-8 H ow to Im port M ovieC lips into a Flash B uilder ActionS cript P roject | C ode and V isual A BOUT BLOG CONTACT US J OBS PORT FOLIO PROPS RA INBOW C r e a t i v e D e s i g n a n d D e v e l o p m e n t Code and Visual spec ialise in developing websites, Flash and mobile games, applicat ions and digital film TV props for a variety of c lients bot h large and small. We also develop Rainbow - an ext remely simple and flexible Flash CMS for small to medium based Flash websites. T ry rainbow now « Announcing the Great Rainbow Live – Flash CMS T utorial Competition! Rainbow Update 1.0.4 – New Rich Text Editor » How to Import MovieClips into a Flash Builder ActionScript Project 无法显示此网页 W ith the release of the new Flash Builder Beta from Adobe labs, more Actionscript developers will be tempted to leave the Flash IDE and head to what is now the rebranded Flex Builder. Previously there has been a bit of confusion over what Flex and Flex Builder were for, not everybody realised that you could write non-Flex applications (i.e. plain actionscript ones) in Flex Builder. And then even without this confusion those of us used to the Flash IDE still had to get to grips with not having any sort of timeline or way to edit library assets. Long story short, you still need to use the flash IDE to create and edit your library assets, though once this is done you can export them to a .SW C file in order to use them in Flash Builder. Here’s a quick tutorial to show you how. Firstly , in the Flash IDE, create your asset and save it as a M


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