《How to Prepare a Scientific Paper v1》.ppt

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《How to Prepare a Scientific Paper v1》.ppt

8. Revision If you are informed that manuscript can be accepted only after significant or minor revision, pay great attention to this chance! Read the reviewer’s comments carefully and make sure to understand word by word what the reviewers are suggesting! Revise every point accordingly Mark the revision and write a reply letter as required. Do all of these before the due date! Important! Many of the reviewers are the experts in the area and most of them are conscientious. Their comments are valuable even if they do not recommend your manuscript for publication. Important! No manuscript is allowed to be submitted without the agreement from your advisors! * * * How to Prepare a Scientific Paper Chen Jianping Nov. 2006 Contents Before Start Writing Your Manuscript Submission Types The Format and the Grammar The Content Where to Start Important Note and Requirement in Principle How to Improve Your Writing Skill Revisions Signature 1. Before Writing Your Manuscript 1.1 General Review 1.2 Completely New Theories / Experimental Results 1.3 New Methods (e.g. New Algorithm, New Mathematical Model) 1.4 Improvement (both theoretical and experimental) over the Reported Results 1.5 …… 2. Submission Types 2.1 Letters (short, fast) 2.2 Journals (Regular paper) 2.3 Other 3. The Format and the Grammar 3.1 The Format——as required or as conventional, NO CREATION! To be accepted at least by reviewers and editors. 3.2 The Grammar——as simple as possible to CORRECTLY and CLEARLY express what you want to say. Attention should be paid to every word, sentence and paragraph. To be understood is much more important than zooty. 3. The Format and the Grammar (cont.) 3.3 The Punctuation——As in grammar books. 3.4 The Capitalization——As in grammar books. 3.5 The Organization——Integrality. 3.6 Abbreviation —— Full words/phrases should be spelled the first time they appear, except for the well known ones. 3.7 The Conjunctions —— Diamond for a girl or headgear for a b


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