《Learning through research - An Introduction To the Main Theory of Learning》.pdf

《Learning through research - An Introduction To the Main Theory of Learning》.pdf

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《Learning through research - An Introduction To the Main Theory of Learning》.pdf

J M U L e a r n i n g Te a c h i n g P r e s s v o l u m e 4 i s s u e 1 Learning through research: an introduction to the main theories of learning Martyn Stewart Learning Development Unit At a glance: This article aims to introduce the reader to some of the key concepts arising out of this research. Naturally, given limited space for such a # There is no single, simple explanation for how people learn. vast topic only a brief outline can be presented, but the intention is to This article provides an overview of the main groups of learning provide a feel for the varieties in approach to research and outline the theories. range of key findings along with their implications for teaching. # Different perspectives are highlighted to provide a flavour of how this complex topic has been treated through research. THE APPLIANCE OF SCIENCE # For each group of theories, the practical implications for Behaviourist Research teaching are described. Learning has been studied throughout history, largely focussed on philosophical debates he propensity for learning and adaptation is one of the about the nature of consciousness and T defining attributes


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