chapter 2 idioms.ppt

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chapter 2 idioms

3.1. Simile idioms 3.1.1 similar meaning expressions 1) as firm as a rock 2) as light as a feather 3) as hot as fire 4) as white as snow 5) as cunning as a fox 6) as fat as a pig 7) as swift as lighting 8) as sweet as honey 3.1. Simile idioms 3.1.2 similar meaning but different expressions 1) as strong as a horse 2) as timid as a hare/rabbit 3) like a drowned rat 4) drink like a fish 5) like a duck to water 6) like mushroom 7) as poor as a church mouse 8) as fair as a rose 3.2. Metaphor idioms allusions 3. 2.1 from literature 1. Shakespeare: 1) a shylock: 2) stand on ceremony 3) cold comfort 4) That’s all Greek to me 2. the Art of Poetry by Roman poet Horace Homer sometimes nods 3.2. Metaphor idioms allusions 3.2.1 from literature 1) 望梅止渴 -----《世说新语》 2) 万事俱备,只欠东风 -----《三国演义》 3) 白骨精 -----《西游记》 3.2. Metaphor idioms allusions 3.2.2 from mythologies, fables legends 1) The heels of Achilles ----Iliad by Homer Greek mythology 2) a Pandora’s box -----Greek mythology 3) a wolf in sheep’s clothing -----Aesop’s fables 4) Sour grapes -----Aesop’s fables 5) meet one’s Waterloo -------the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 in the Napoleonic Wars against the British, Germans Dutch etc. In the myths surrounding the war, Achilles was said to have died from a heel wound which was the result of an arrow — possibly poisoned — shot by Paris. 3.2. Metaphor idioms allusions 3.2.3 from religion 1. Bible: 1) a Solomon 2) eye for eye, tooth for tooth -------上帝向摩西发布的惩处暴力行为的法则 3) scapegoat 3.2. Metaphor idioms allusions 3.2.3 from religion 1) 现身说法 -------原佛教用语(以亲身经历和体验来说明一种道理) 2)放下屠刀,立地成佛 -------佛教改恶从善的话 3)五体投地 -------指两手,两膝和头一起着地,这是宗教最恭敬的 行礼仪式,比喻佩服到极点 3.2. Metaphor idioms allusions 3.2.4 translation of some idioms 1) As a man sows, so he shall reap. 2) To throw a stone to kill two birds. 3)Grea


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