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Time Limit:3 hours
I.Reading Comprehension
This section contains two passages.Read each passage and then answer the questions given at the end of it.Your answers must be in English.
Passage One
Critics and supporters of the United Nations have sometimes seemed worlds apart.But since last year, almost all of them, whether multilateralist or unilateralist, American or European, have come to agree that the organization is in crisis.This week, a blue.ribbon panel commissioned by the body’s secretary-general.Kofi Annan, released its report on what to do about it.
The UN’s sorry state became most obvious with the Iraq war.Those favoring the war were furious that after a decade of Security Council resolutions, including the last-chance Resolution 1441 threatening “serious consequences” if Iraq did not prove its disarmament, the UN could not agree to act.Anti-war types were just as frustrated that the world body failed to stop the war.But Iraq was not the UN’s only problem.It has done little to stop humanitarian disasters, such as the ongoing horror in Sudan.And it has done nothing to stop Iran’s and North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.
Recognizing the danger of irrelevance. Mr. Annan last year told a 16-member panel, composed mainly of former government ministers and heads of government, to suggest changes.These fall broadly into two categories:the institutional and the cultural.The former has got most of the headlines—particularly a call for changing the structure of the Security Council.But changes in the UN’s working practices are crucial too.
Everyone agrees that the Security Council is an unrepresentative relic: of its 15 seats, five are occupied by permanent, veto-wielding members (America, Russia, China, Britain and France) and ten go to countries that rotate every two years and have no veto.But that the council’s composition is a throwback to the world order immediately after the Second World W
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