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长春工业大学学生论坛的设计与实现 摘要 随着Internet的越来越普及,人们越来越关于这样一种交流平台――论坛。使用简单、易用的学生论坛已成为当今社会必然要求。但现有的学生论坛系统还存有一定问题,主要体现在两个方面: 一方面,论坛的功能是多种多样的,现在流行的各种论坛中的插件让这些功能更加的多元化,而偏离了信息的发布与讨论为基础的基本功能。 另一方面,随着计算机的普及,特别是调制解调器的大量使用,BBS的活动将会进一步高涨。但是,随之而来抢线难的问题将会加剧。.NET技术进行开发,采用B/S架构进行开发,开发环境采用微软集成开发环境VS2005进行开发,数据库用SQL2005数据库系统来存放论坛中的数据信息。 关键字: 论坛;Internet; ASP.NET;WEB技术; Title Design and Implementation of the student forum Abstract As the Internet becomes more and more popular, people are more and more about such a communication platform-BBS. Use simple, easy to use of the students BBS has become the social request inevitably. But in the current students BBS system there is some problems, which is reflected in two aspects: On one hand, BBS function is varied, popular now various BBS plugin lets these functions more diversity, and turned away from the information release and discussion is the basic function of the foundation. On the other hand, with the popularity of computer, especially the wide use of modem, BBS activities will further high. But, and with dial-up difficult and rob line the difficult question will be worse. In order to realize the simple BBS students, efficient, flexibility, develop information release and discussion is the basic function of the foundation, the design of this system. This BBS system adopts currently popular technology development, the B/S structure of development, development environment using Microsoft VS2005 integrated development environment for development, database with SQL2005 database system to store data in the BBS information. Keywords: BBS; Internet; A; WEB technology; 目录 第1章 系统概述 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 研究意义 1 1.3 研究现状 2 1.4 本文所做的工作 2 第2章 系统开发环境 4 2.1 实施平台 4 2.2 ASP.NET的简介 4 2.3 B/S架构 9 2.4 数据库技术 10 第3章 论坛系统需求分析 12 3.1 系统功能需求 12 3.2 系统需求分析 13 3.3 性能需求 13 3.4 硬件环境需求 14 第4章 系统总体设计 15 4.1 总体设计 15 4.2 数据库设计 20 第5章 系统详细设计 25 5.1 登录功能及注册功能的设计 25 5.2 发帖及回帖分享等功能的设计 28 5.3 搜索帖子功能的设计 30 5.4 论坛板块


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