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第 28 卷 第 3 期 测 绘 学 报 . 28, . 3
V o l N o
1999 年 8 月 A CTA GEODA ET ICA et CA R TO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA A ug. , 1999
GPS 动态测量连续周跳检验
何海波 杨元喜
( ) ( )
郑州测绘学院, 河南郑州, 450052 西安测绘研究所, 陕西西安, 710054
D etection of Successive Cycle Clips for
GPS K inematic Position ing
H e H aibo
(Z heng z hou Institu te of S u rvey ing and M app ing , Z heng z hou , H enan , 450052)
Yang Yuanx i
( , , , 710054)
X i ’an R esearch Institu te of S u rvey ing and M app ing X i ’an S haanx i
Abstract In th is paper a new p rocedure fo r detection of successive cycle slip s is developed by w h ich the bi
ases at m easurem ent epoch can be detected considering the estim ates of a p rio ri biases T he m ethod is p roved
, .
to be op tim al and it can be perfo rm ed parallel to the Kalm an filtering T he biases due to the cycle slip s can
be detected in real tim e. T he m ethod can utilize mo re info rm ation than existing p rocedures in evaluating the
biases A n ex
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