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第 32 卷 第 7 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 32 No. 7 2008 年 4 月 Power System Technology Apr. 2008 文章编号:1000-3673 (2008 )07-0034-06 中图分类号:TM712 文献标识码:A 学科代码:470⋅4051 大规模电网并行潮流算法 李传栋,房大中,杨金刚,袁世强,鄂志君 (天津大学电气与自动化工程学院,天津市 南开区 300072 ) New Research on Parallel Power-Flow Calculation for Large-Scale Power System LI Chuan-dong ,FANG Da-zhong ,YANG Jin-gang ,YUAN Shi-qiang ,E Zhi-jun (School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Tianjin University ,Nankai District ,Tianjin 300072,China ) [10] ABSTRACT: A new parallel algorithm of power flows in 行处理技术 ;在算法层面上则需要研究计算量 large-scale power grid is proposed. In this approach at first the 少、适于并行处理的算法[11-17] 。并行计算的实现及 whole power network is divided into several subnets connected 效率与具体问题和算法相关。 by tie-lines; then a concentrated grid can be constructed with 超大规模电网的潮流本质是一个高维的非线 the subsets as computing nodes and the tie-lines as branches; 性方程组的求解问题。求解此类方程组的并行方法 and then by means of bi-directional iteration the linearization 可以分为两类:直接法[11]和迭代算法[12-13] 。直接法 incremental equations of computational grid and its computing nodes are solved. The proposed algorithm improve the 是建立在雅可比矩阵分块处理的基础上,这类方法 efficiency of simultaneous solution of power flow equations 无收敛性问题,但较难达到高度的并行。并行效果 effectively and offer a new approach for parallel computation 受矩阵具体结构的影响,且通信代价较大。迭代算 of power flows in large scale power grid. By use of Matpower 法如高斯–塞德尔迭代法,特点是并行化容易、通 software, checking computations of the proposed algorithm are 信量小、但收敛性不易得到保证,迭代次数随处理 performe


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