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摘 要
本设计为湘潭某地区老屋塘—梅子岭高速(),本次选题,是依据大学专业课程,道路勘测设计、路基路面工程等内容而定的具有代表性,全面检测所学知识的结业性选题。 ABSTRACT
This design for the xiangtan house pond - plum hill high speed in a given area (80/h), the selected topic, is based on university courses, road reconnaissance design, roadbed engineering and so on as representative, comprehensive testing knowledge in graduation sexual topics. Consolidate college students during the period of school learning basic theories and professional knowledge; Consolidate, deepen and broaden the learned basic course, professional basic course and specialized course knowledge and improve the integrated use of these knowledge independent analysis and ability to solve practical problems; Able to read drawing and exercise myself,. Solve the problem of all aspects in the design of road engineering the comprehensive ability and innovation ability, to preliminary understanding and mastery of road engineering practice content and method and step of design work.
Design details in the industry are: the route design, alignment, including paper and draw the route plan, route profile design; Cross-sectional roadbed design, including two kilometers and roadbed subgrade drainage conditions of the calculation and design; Pavement design, including the design of asphalt pavement and cement concrete pavement design; Structure design including the design of overpass, small bridge culvert design, complete a culvert design; In K1 + 300 - K1 + 350 set gravity retaining wall, the load standard for steam - 20; Finally carries on the software review.
Sections through the analysis of original data, according to the geology, topography, terrain, hydrology and other natural conditions, on the basis of highway engineering technical standards, the specification for highway route design, such as the ministry of communications issued by the relevant technical indicators, with the help of the teachers guidance and classmates.
Key words: Expressway , route, subgrade, pave
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