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梧 州 学 院 毕 业 论 文 论文题目 基于…………..的设计 系 别 信息与电子工程学院 专 业 电子科学与技术 班 级 10电子科学与技术班 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师(签名) 完成时间 2015 年 5 月 摘要 随着电子技术的发展,MP3播放器已是目前市场上最流行的消费类数码产品之一,因其具有大容量、高音质、小巧便携等特点而倍受广大消费者的青睐。而对于单片机编写的MP3播放器具有执行效率高、频率输出稳定、易于修改、高可靠性、高性价比、低电压、低功耗等优点,使单片机近几年得到迅猛发展和大范围推广,广泛应用于工业控制系统、数据采集系统、智能化仪器仪表及通讯设备、日常消费类产品、玩具等领域 。 本设计主要利用ATmega128作为系统的中央处理器,采用VS1003B解码芯片作为音乐播放器的解码芯片,SD卡作为系统的存储器,CH375芯片作为读取外部U盘数据的驱动芯片。通过ATmega128读取SD卡或者读取经CH375芯片传送的音频数据,再送入VS1003B解码芯片实现特定格式的音频解码,并通过耳机或者有源音响输出。 关键词:Atmega128;MP3播放器;SD卡;CH375;VS1003B; Based on the design of ATmega128 music player Abstract With the development of electronic technology, MP3 players on the market today is one of the most popular consumer digital products, because of its large capacity, high-quality, compact and portable features and much in favor of consumers. For the preparation of single-chip MP3 player with high efficiency, stable frequency output, easy to modify, high reliability, high cost, low voltage, low power consumption, etc., so that the microcontroller in recent years has been the rapid development and large-scale promotion, widely used in industrial control systems, data acquisition systems, intelligent instrumentation and communications equipment, everyday consumer products, toys, and other fields. The main advantage of this design ATmega128 as the central processor system, using VS1003B decoder chip as the music player decoder chip, SD card as a memory system, CH375 chip as U disk read external data driver chip. ATmega128 SD card or by reading through the CH375 chip reads audio data transmission, and then into VS1003B audio decoder chip decode a specific format, and through headphones or powered stereo output. Keywords: Atmega128; MP3 player; SD card; CH375; VS1003B; 目录 第一章 引 言 1 1.1课题背景与来源 1 1.2课题意义 1 1.3 MP3播放器发展历程和研究现状 1 第二章 系统概述 3 2.1系统设计总方案选择 3 2.2系统可行设计方案对比选择 3 2.3 系统设计硬件组成 4 2.4 系统设计的功能介绍及操作说明 5 第三


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