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沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT52 学士学位毕业论文 基于mvc设计模式的购物网站 摘要 网上购物作为电子商务中的重要组成部分,正以一个惊人的速度发展着。但是,正是由于网上购物形式的特定性,必然导致它在交易安全的保证上存在着一定的漏洞。因此,想要更好的解析网上购物以使其更加顺利地发展,必须对网上购物的安全性做一个透彻的剖析。 本文首先介绍了什么是网上购物,网上购物的特点,接着从商家和消费者各自的角度分析当前所面临的安全问题,然后从信息、信用、法律和支付等方面分析了网上购物的安全性现状。经过前面的讨论基本涵盖了网上购物可能会出现的安全问题,本文就针对这些问题从信息安全、网络安全、法律保障、客户注意事项等方面提出解决方案。然后,用一个具体实例讲解了网上购物和网上支付的流程,以及??以后的网上购物安全方面提出一些建议。 网上购物虽然已经取得了一定的成绩,但随着网上购物的发展,会出现更多与之有关的安全问题,要使网上购物真正成为一种主导的商务模式,还必须在安全技术、法律、社会各个方面来不断完善,那么这种方便的购物方式才能被人们真正接受和使用。 关键词: 网上商城;MVC Abstract Online shopping in E-commerce as an important part of being a developing at an alarming rate. However, it is due to specific forms of online shopping, it will inevitably lead to the security guarantee that the transaction there are certain loopholes. Therefore, to better analytical online shopping to make it more smooth development, the need for the security of online shopping to do a thorough analysis. This paper first introduces what is online shopping, online shopping features, and then from their own businesses, and consumers by the point of view of the current security problems faced, and then information, credit, legal and other aspects of paid online shopping security situation.The preceding discussion covers the basic shopping online may be security issues, this paper to address these problems from the information security, network security, legal protection, electronic payment security, the attention of customers and other matters put forward solutions. Then, with a concrete example on the online shopping and online payment process, and the future security of online shopping offer some suggestions. Although online shopping security technology has achieved certain results, but with the development of online shopping, there will be more concerned with security issues, to make purchases on the Internet truly become a dominant business model, it is also necessary in security technology, law, all aspects of society to continuously improve, t


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