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第36卷第10期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol.36,No.10 2015 年 10 月 Journal ofNortheastern University(Natural Science) Oct.20 1 5 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005 -3026.2015.10.023 K-S检验在裂隙岩体统计均质区划分中的应用 阮云凯,陈剑平,曹 琛,闫 欢 (吉林大学 建设工程学院,吉林 长春 130026) 摘 要:采用K-S检验法,提出考虑裂隙岩体迹长的新方法来划分岩体的统计均质区,计算对比样本 各属性的累积频率、K-S统计量和K-S 临界值,从而验证对比样本之间的显著性差异,以此实现了对裂隙 岩体的统计均质区的划分.通过对云南省马吉水电站左岸坝肩某一高程相邻两个平洞不同风化带的岩体结 构统计均质区划分,计算结果表明,相邻两个平洞在弱风化下限、微风化及新鲜岩带内具有统计相似性,可以 划分为统计均质区,而在弱风化上限不具有统计相似性;单个平洞在各个风化带内不具有统计相似性.此外, 该方法可以运用到小样本裂隙的统计均质区划分中. 键 词:裂隙岩体;统计均质区;K-S检验法;随机数学;裂隙迹长 中图分类号:TU 457 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005 -3026(2015)10 -1471 -05 Application of K-S Test in Structural Homogeneity Dividing of Fractured Rock Mass RUAN Yun-kai,CHEN Jian-ping,CAO Cen ,YAN Huan (CollegeofConstructionEngineering,JilinUniversity,Changchun 130026,China.Correspondingauthor:UAN Yun-kai,E-mail:ruanyunkai@163.com ) Abstract:Based on K-S test,a new method was proposed to identify statistically homogeneous regions in afractured rock mass by considering trace length ofjoints.The cumulative frequencies ofeach attribute of contrasting samples,the K-S statistical quantity and the K-S critical values were calculated to validate the significant difference between the comparative samples,based on which,the structural homogeneity offractured rock mass was divided.This method was used to analyze the effect of the trace length on statistically homogeneity division in the fractured rock mass attwo adjacentadits in different weathered zone atthe Maji dam site onthe leftbankofthe Nu iver in Yunnan province.It was calculated that the rock mass at two adjacent adits shows statistical similarity in the lower limit of weak weathering,slightly weathering and fresh rock zones,and can be divided into statistically homoge


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