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热带农业科技 2015,38(4) - 5 - Tropical Agricultural Science Technology 云南江城橡胶树气刺微割试验初报 1 1 1 1 2* 余守宽 ,罗宗云 ,陶建祥 ,李建祥 ,李明谦 (1.云南农垦集团 江城橡胶有限责任公司,云南 江城665907; 2.云南省热带作物科学研究所,云南景洪666100) 摘要摘要::2014年云南江城橡胶公司进行了气刺微割采胶新技术试验示范,结果认为气刺微割技术能有 效开发老龄胶树产胶潜力,增产10%~30%,提高劳动生产率1倍以上;鉴于试验中表现出气刺微割处 理死皮病发病率明显高于对照,提出采用气刺微割采胶新技术应增施肥料和控制增产幅度在10%~ 20%。 关键词关键词:橡胶树;气刺微割;江城 中图分类号:S794.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-450X(2015)04-0005-04 —————————————— PreliminaryPreliminary ReportReport onon ExperimentExperiment ofof Micro-Micro- CutCut TappingTapping withwith GasGas StimulationStimulation onon HHeevveeaa bbrraassiilliieenn-- ssiiss inin JiangchengJiangcheng CityCity 1 1 1 1 2 * YU Shoukuan , LUO Zongyun , TAO Jianxiang , LI Jianxiang , LI Mingqian 1.JiangchengNaturalRubberCompany,Ltd.,YunnanState-FarmGroup,Jiangcheng 665907,China; 2.YunnanInstituteofTropicalCrops,Jinghong 666100,China Abstract:Abstract: Experiment demonstration of micro- cut tapping with gas stimulation on natural rubber tree was conducted by Ji- angcheng Rubber Company in 2014 . The results indicated that this technology can help in exploring latex potential of aging trees, production increased in range of 10% to 30%, and working efficiency increased more than one times. Compared with control, the occurrence of tapping panel dryness seems much serious under gas stimulation. Therefore, it presents that fertiliz- er supplement is necessary and the increasing yield should be controlled within 10% to 20% if applied this new technology. KeyKey wordswords:Hevea brasiliensis; micro-cut tapping with gas stimulation; Jiangcheng 橡胶树气刺割胶技术是20世纪90年代发展起


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