2016九年级英语下册 unit 6 get ready for jobs单元复习课件 冀教版.ppt

2016九年级英语下册 unit 6 get ready for jobs单元复习课件 冀教版.ppt

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2016九年级英语下册 unit 6 get ready for jobs单元复习课件 冀教版

* Unit 6 单元复习课 Lesson 41 1. free adj. 空闲的;自由的 You are free to come and go as you want. 你来去自由,不受约束。 2. grow up成长;长大 I want to be a scientist when I grow up. 我长大后想当一名科学家。 3. match v. 相称;相配 These curtains won’t match your carpet. 这些窗帘和你那块地毯不相配。 4. busy adj. 忙碌的 I was too busy working to notice the time. 我忙于工作,没注意到时间。 5. suggestion n. 建议 The teacher made some useful suggestions to help us in the examination. 老师提出几项有用的建议帮助我们应对考试。 6. education n. 教育 She has had a good education. 她曾受过良好的教育。 Lesson 42 7. graduate v. 毕业 He graduated from Cambridge with a degree in law. 他毕业于剑桥大学,获得了法学学士学位。 8. achieve v. 做成;获得 We were all exhausted, but felt we had achieved quite a lot. 我们 都累极了,但是感到已取得了相当大的成就。 9. completely adv. 完全地 The army made a completely successful attack on the enemy capital. 军队攻击敌方首都的行动十分成功。 10. freeze v. (froze/frozen)冻死;冻僵;结冰 The cold weather might freeze the water in the pipes. 寒冷的天气会把管子里的水冻住。 11. get ready for准备好;为……而准备 We are getting ready for the exam. 我们正在为考试作准备。 Lesson 43 12. steal v. (stole/stolen)偷盗;窃取 She used to steal money from her father’s drawer. 她以前经常从父亲的抽屉里偷钱。 13. perfect adj. 美好的;完美的;理想的 Nobody is perfect. 人无完人。 Lesson 44 14. successful adj. 获得成功的 My final attempt to fix it was successful. 我最后这次彻底把它修好了。 Lesson 45 15. shine v. (shone/shone)发光;反射 The hot sun was shining directly on our heads. 烈日直照在我们头顶上。 16. worth adj. 有价值的;值得(做某事) This house is worth a lot of money. 这幢房子值一大笔钱。 17. even if 即使;纵然 Even if you have passed the exam, you shouldn’t be conceited. 即使你通过了这次考试,你也不应该骄傲自满。 Lesson 47 18. expect v. 期待;盼望 The school expects its pupils to be on time. 学校要求学生准时到校。 Ⅰ. 词汇拓展 1. suggest(v. ) →______(n. )建议 2. a



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