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摘 要 中国与波兰都是有悠久文化和美术交流传统,也一直有着美术交流。但是长期以来,中国的外 国美术史研究一直对波兰的美术关注较少,尤其像扬·马特义科这位波兰最为杰出的历史画家甚至 被忽视和遗忘了。 扬·马特义科的历史画在波兰甚至是欧洲乃至世界艺术史上的地位都相当重要,他的历史画运 用精心的对历史材料的积累与应用,结合自己细致的观察力和丰富的想象力,采用借古喻今和现实 主义的创作方式一方面再现波兰古代历史,弘扬其强盛和伟大,使在被外族侵略下的波兰人民从内 心深处产生民族自豪感;另一方面将发生的历史事件与他当时生活的时代进行对比、相关,使得波 兰人民审视历史的同时为今后爱国主义事业的奋斗方向理清道路,以历史告诉未来。本文选取马特 义科的历史画代表作进行系统剖析,并与其他外国美术史名家名作对比分析,讨论马特义科进行历 史画创作的成因,特殊的创作主题的选择,独特的艺术表现手法,以及在波兰甚至是世界美术史上 的独特创造力和杰出贡献,揭示马特义科和其历史画作品在国际上的地位和影响力,同时也是对中国 现阶段对欧洲美术史研究的补充。 关键词:波兰;扬·马特义科;历史画 I Abstract There is a long tradition of cultural and art exchanges between China and Poland, and China and Poland always have art exchanges. However, for a long time, Chinas foreign art history studies pay less attention to Polish Art, in particular, like Jan ? Matejko, who is Polish most distinguished historical painter has even been neglected and forgotten. Matejko’s historical painting has extremely important position of art history in Poland and Europe or even all over the world. He use careful accumulation of historical material and application and combine with his meticulous observation and imagination, what’s more, use the way of narrating anecdotes of the past in alluding to the present and realism creative way. In this way, on the one hand to reproduce the ancient history of Poland, and carry forward its prosperity of and great, which makes Polish people who were under alien aggression feel pride from the heart of themselves; on the other hand to compare Poland ancient historical events to the times he was living. He use the method of from hisrory telling the future to make Polish people examine the history of the Polish, at the same time to sort out the way for the future direction of the patriotic cause.This essay mainly analyzes Matejko’s masterpiece of his historical paintings, compare with other famous foreign artist’s masterpiece to dissect the causes of Matejko’s creation, the ways of choosi


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