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溃疡性结肠炎 ---外科治疗及并发症 发病情况 在欧美国家发病率高4-6/100000 在我国发病率有升高趋势 最近10年报告的病例数目是前10年3.8倍 (太原全国慢性非感染性肠道疾病学术研讨会) 临床症状 消化系统症状 腹泻—— 黏液脓血便,常有里急后重  腹痛—— 左下腹、下腹,腹痛-便意-便后缓解 腹胀等 全身症状 发热(<38?C) ;重症者有中毒症状; 多伴有营养消耗性表现 肠外表现: 关节炎、口腔溃疡、强直性脊柱炎(HLA-B27)、微型硬化性胆管炎。 内镜检查 内镜检查表现: 弥漫性充血、水肿、糜烂、浅溃疡 细颗粒状、脆性增加 炎性息肉 中毒性巨结肠是内镜绝对禁忌症 Severe ulcerative colitis with pseudopolyps Figure 4-4. Severe ulcerative colitis with pseudopolyps. In addition to severe mucosal ulceration and inflammation, chronic ulcerative colitis is often associated with the formation of pseudopolyps, which represent islands of regenerating mucosa and exuberant inflammation amidst diffuse mucosal destruction. Pseudopolyps have no malignant potential. X线检查--钡剂灌肠 急性期: 黏膜粗大紊乱,肠壁边缘毛刺状或锯齿状 后期: (椭)圆形充盈缺损,肠管呈铅管征 Severe ulcerative colitis Figure 4-6. Radiographic appearance of severe ulcerative colitis. This single-contrast barium enema demonstrates the typical ragged and ulcerative appearance of the mucosa in active ulcerative colitis. Characteristic collar-button or undermining ulcers are seen. In general, barium enema and colonoscopy should be avoided in fulminant ulcerative colitis because of the possibility of precipitating toxic megacolon. Chronic ulcerative colitis Radiographic appearance of chronic ulcerative colitis. Long-standing chronic ulcerative colitis, as shown in this single-contrast barium enema, is characterized by shortening and straightening of the colon with loss of haustrations, resulting in the appearance of a featureless tube. No ulcerations are seen. 临床分型 按病程经过分 初发型 慢性复发型 慢性持续型 急性暴发型 按严重程度分 轻、中、重度 按病变范围分 直肠炎 直肠乙状结肠炎 左半结肠炎 广泛性/全结肠炎 按病期分 活动期、缓解期 轻/中度UC的处理 5-氨基水杨酸(5-ASA)制剂口服或灌肠。 氢化可的松琥珀酸钠盐灌肠100~200mg,每晚1次保留灌肠或强的松口服 亦可用中药保留灌肠治疗。 重度UC的处理 ①卧床休息,输液以防水电解质紊乱 ②营养不良、病情重者——要素饮食、肠外营养 ③口服或静脉用类固醇激素 ④抗生素控制肠道继发感染 ⑤便血量大、Hb<90g/L和持续出血——输血 ⑥静脉类固醇激素使用7~10天后无效者可考虑环孢素每日2~4mg/kg静脉滴注或外科手术治疗; ⑦药物疗效不佳——及时外科会诊,确定全结肠


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