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学士学位论文 410吨小时煤粉电站锅炉 摘 要 本设计的题目为410t/h煤粉锅炉。对于锅炉设计,锅炉采用单锅筒,自然循环,集中下降管,本锅炉采用∏型布置,钢架结构。 锅炉前部为炉膛,为减少过热器热偏差和获得较好的气温调节特性,本炉采用辐射-对流多次交叉换侧,两次喷水减温的过热器系统。整个过热器包括顶棚管、包墙管、屏式过热器和二级对流过热器。省煤器采用钢管式,装在尾部竖井中,分上下两级布置,两级间有一次前后交叉,工质逆流,自下向上。本锅炉采用立式管式空气预热器,分两级布置,上级一个行程,下级三个行程,考虑到低温引起的局部腐蚀,将最下面的一个行程设计成单独管箱,便于维修和更换。燃烧器采用四角布置,切圆燃烧。炉顶水平烟道转向室和尾部包墙均用鳍片管包敷。 本论文包括两个主要部分。第一部分是方案简介;第二部分是410t/h煤粉炉的热力计算,热力计算按烟气流程依次为炉膛、屏式过热器、对流过热器、转向室、省煤器和空气预热器,并进行了校核。 关键词 煤粉锅炉;∏型布置;自然循环 Abstract This subject of the design is 410t/h pulverized coal-burning boiler and the research of the performance of louver concentrator. The boiler type is the disposition type ∏ and its struction is made up of the steel, with single drum, natral circulation. With radiant superheater in the exit of furnace, the front of boiler is membrane water-cooled walls. Two stage superheaters are disposed in the horizontal smoke flue. The heat recovery accessory are two stage economizers and two stage air heaters which are placed alternatively. The horizontal smoke flue transforming room enclosure surface of the rear are enclosed by fin tubes. The experment was done to research the ratio of flux of rich and lean air of the concentrator, and Achieve the expected goal of the experiment. This paper includes four main parts. The first part is the summary of the schema, the second part is a thermal calculation of 220t/h pulverized coal-burning boiler, the thermal calculation according to the direction of flue gas flowing include:the furnace,the tranfermable room,the enconomizer and the air heater; the third part is the design and calculation of the combustor ;the last is the introduction and conclusion of the experiment. Keywords pulverized coal-boiler; disposition type ∏; natral circulation 不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 锅炉的发展简况 2 1.3 本章小结 2 第2章 方案论证 3 2.1 锅炉的主要参数 3 2.2 燃料特性 3 2.3 锅炉设计方案选择与总体布置 3 2.3.1 蒸发受热面的型式及炉型的选择 3 2.3.2 锅炉的总体布置 4 2.3.3 炉膛 5 2.3.4 过热器 5 2.3.5 省煤器 5 2.3.6 空气预热器 6 2.4 本章小结 6 第3章 方案简介 7 3.1 锅炉的基本



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