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2013年度本科生毕业论文(设计) 从中小学生儿童文学阅读现状 探究儿童文学在教育中的推广策略 ——以三亚市第四中学为例 学 院: 人文社科学院 专 业: 汉语言文学 2013 Annual Graduation Thesis (Project) of the College Undergraduate From the primary and secondary school students to explore the status quo of childrens literature reading childrens literature reading in education promotion strategy ——Taking the No.4 Middle School of Sanya city as an example Department: College of Humanities and Social Science Major: Chinese Linguistic Literature Grade: 2009 Student’s Name: Wang You Student No.: Tutor: Lecturer Wei Chunying June, 2013 摘要 近年来,我国未成年人图书阅读率及人均图书阅读量虽均略有增长,但相比发达国家仍存在较大差距。尤其是在日益盛行的新媒介的冲击之下,越来越多的少年儿童与文学阅读失之交臂。儿童文学作为“为18岁以下未成年人精神生命健康成长服务并适合他们审美接受心理与阅读经验的文学”,却因人们的认识不足、关注不够而面临推广的重重阻力。本文采用调查问卷的方式对三亚市第四中学的部分语文教师、学生进行了调查,分析了中小学生儿童文学阅读现状及语文教师对于儿童文学的认识现状等,为家长、学校及全社会了解未成年人的阅读需求、认识儿童文学的推广意义提供了一个方面的参考,并通过研究和借鉴,就儿童文学在教育中的推广提出了笔者的部分建议。 关键词:中小学生;语文教师;儿童文学;认知现状;阅读推广 Abstract In recent years, Chinas juvenile book reading rate and per capita books reading quantity is rising slightly, but compared with developed countries, there is still a wide gap. Especially under the new media increasingly popular impact, more and more children and literature reading just miss the person or opportunity. Childrens literature as for minors under 18 years service life and is suitable for the healthy growth of the spirit of their aesthetic psychology and the experience of reading literature, but due to lack of awareness is not enough attention, and facing the popularization of resistance. In this paper, using the method of questionnaire to fourth middle school in Sanya City, part of the teachers, the students were investigated, analyzed the current situation of childrens literature and the status of knowledge about the Chinese teachers in primary and middle school students reading childrens literature, provides a reference for parents, schools and society to under



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