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基于《标准施工招标文件》的承包人工期索赔研究 ——因发包人违约引起的工期延误索赔 摘 要 改革开放以来,随着我国经济和人民生活的飞速发展,我国的建筑行业也在逐步的与国际进行接轨,建设工程承包人在工程由投标阶段到施工阶段中将遇到空前的竞争压力,所遇到的各方面索赔风险也大大增加。因此,其中我国建设工程当中一些固有的错误的想法与做法在这种大环境下则需要一点点摒弃与去除,从而完全实现自身实力的提高,并与国际接轨,更具竞争力。对于承包人的工期索赔来说,无论是理论上还是过程分析、计算方法上,还缺少共识,不能被承包人熟练地运用在工程中,使得承包人损失一些不该损失的费用,更有甚者,将会影响承包人的市场信誉,造成无法弥补的损失。 本文从承包人角度出发,以《标准施工招标文件》合同为基础,对承包人的工期索赔问题进行研究,强调在进行工期索赔的过程中,程序要完整,证据要收集的及时并具有一定的法律效力等。针对工期延误问题进行分析,尤其是发包人的违约导致的延误,承包人只能在非自己原因造成的延误责任上进行工期索赔。工期索赔产生后,计算方法上采用网络分析法与动态分析法,对工程实例进行解剖,使得工期索赔顺利的完成。在本文中,由于时间关系,对于伴随着工期索赔而产生的费用索赔没有进行研究,还有在计算工期索赔的方法上,有待进一步的改进,寻求更适合中国国情的计算方法。 关键词:承包人索赔 发包人违约 工期索赔 工期延误问题 网络分析法 动态分析法 The Contractor Time Claim Research?Based on《tandard?Construction?Tender Documents》onstruction Period?Delays in?Claims?Arising from the Breach?Due to?the Employer ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, along with our country economy and peoples life of rapid development, China construction industry also gradually with the international realizes, construction engineering contractor in engineering construction stage by stage to bid will meet the unprecedented pressure of competition, met the claim risk increase greatly. Therefore, including some of the Chinese construction of the inherent wrong ideas and practices in this environment requires a little bit of abandoned and remove, so as to fully realize own strength rise, and with the international community, more competitive. The time limit for the contractor for claims, whether concept or process analysis, calculation method, lack of consensus, cant be proficient in the contractor in engineering, make the contractor the cost of losing some shouldnt loss, what is more, will affect the contractor market reputation, cause irreparable damage. This paper, from the Angle of the contractor,《standard construction tender documents》contract as the foundation, the time limit for the contractor claim, emphasize on the claim in the process of construction, the program must be complete, evidence to collect timely



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