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分类号: 密 级:
硕士生 : : 指导教师 : 张国际 高级工程师 所在学院 :
学校代码:10491 研究生学号:520110295
Small Administrative Unit Office Automation Environment Building
Master Candidate:Cao dong feng
Senior Engineer.Zhangguoji
In recent yearshe network office automation (OA)solutions, which is based on advanced network information technology, have received increasing attention withthe rapid development of the network technology. As thedevelopment ofinternet technology, the current office automation has increased connectivity from the traditional LAN to support mobile office, remote office management and so on.For both enterprises and government agencies, there are many documents need to be processed and lot of word need to be scheduled, however, policymakers haveto make important decisions on the basis of groups of information. With the widelyuse of internet, automation office makes it possible for different departments in different locations to be connected.
Through the analysis and research of the OA management information system platform, we induce solutions for OAin this thesis, which includenetwork security (including maintenance and use of network hardware and management, etc.), server security, user security and application security, database security and so on. Nowadays, office automation based on internethasbecomean inevitable trend in government and business management, which can improve work efficiencydramatically.Therefore, to builda small administrative unit interior network and carry out the office automation is become a main job for many departments and the leader.
Concerning on the systems expandability, reliability, opennessand security, we makes a comprehensive analysis of the current application status of OA system and key technologies of official document flow system. From the perspective of convenient, practicaland reasonable,we developanOA system
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