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Mark Bauerlein is an English professor at Emory University and the author of 2008 book The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future (Or, Dont Trust Anyone Under 30). /home.html Emory大学英语教授Mark Bauerlein的著作有一个骇人听闻的书名:《最愚笨的一代:数码世代如何麻痹了年轻的美国人并危及着我们的未来(或,不要相信任何30岁以下的 人)》.作者以统计数据表明,目前美国大学生的整体素质下降:语言能力减弱、专注力丧失,学业规范淡薄而且知识贫乏。美国的年轻一代变得执迷于同伴的娱乐和时尚。 他们愚笨而无知,但自尊心却很强,因此无法接受批评。作者认为,这是整个大众文化与数码技术合谋造成的结果。 “互联网的最大好处就是提供一个空间,让所有人都能发表自己的观点。但它的坏处是不加区分地对任何人提供发表言论的条件。但人们成熟的标志之一就是明白每天发生在自己身上的99%的事情对于别人而言根本毫无意义。” /index.php?doc-view-132400.html Bauerlein explains how his experience as a teacher led to his writing of The Dumbest Generation: “Because in my limited experience as a teacher, I’ve noticed in the last 10 years that students are no less intelligent, no less ambitious but there are two big differences: Reading habits have slipped, along with general knowledge. You can quote me on this: You guys don’t know anything.” The Dumbest Generation has generated controversy among teachers, academics, and young people, sparking an ongoing debate. In The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future, Emory University English professor Mark Bauerlein traces a disturbing correlation between the rise of mass digital technology and the documented educational deficits of young Americans. Synthesizing an astonishing array of studies on the intellectual and leisure habits of contemporary American youth, Bauerlein outlines what is arguably the defining truth—and damning paradox—of the under-thirty generation: that even as technology gives young people greater access to knowledge, information, and enrichment than any previous generation, it has become their means of sealing themselves off from those very things. In Bauerlein’s words, “technology has contracted their horizon to themselves.” Studies showthat young people today can’t read and understand complex documents, write grammatically correc


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