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2010北京卷高分情景作文赏析 学习目标 : 通过赏析2010北京情景作文掌握情景作文的答题思路及技巧: 开头+过程(细节)+结尾, 注意连接词的使用。 2.通过自主学习、小组讨论、训练巩固等方法使学生掌握文中的重点词组,并能够运用部分重点词组造句,例如:help sb do sth, go to a place to do sth, 提高学生写简单句的能力及扩充学生词汇量。 1. 结构完整. (beginning---body---ending) 情景作文高分亮点 2. 内容要点全、细节支持清楚. 4. 词汇和句式的多样性及语言的准确性。 3. 上下文行文连贯,连接词使用恰当。 对基础弱的学生来说,简单句只要能正确地传递信息,达到交际目的,就是好句子。尽量使用简单句可以少出错误。 北京10情景作文 北京11情景作文 early in the morning in the afternoon in the middle of the day / at noon in the evening / at night at weekends on Sunday morning last Monday the next day in class when we arrived / upon our arrival two hours later a few days later 1.上周末 2. 在下午 3. 在晚上 4.在清早 5. 在中午 6. 在周末 7.在周日早上 8.上周一 9.第二天 10.课上 11.课后 12.在我的业余时间 13.两个小时之后 14.几天之后 15.当我们到达的时候 after class in my spare time last weekend Exercise3: 用下列短语造句 1. help sb do /(to do)/ with sth 翻译句子: 1) 昨天晚上,我帮助祖父母收拾行李.(pack sth.) 2)放学后, 我帮助一位老人走下台阶。 3)上周末,我帮助父母打扫房间,例如扫地、洗衣服、擦窗子等。(such as) I helped my grandparents to pack their suitcase last night. After class, I helped an old man go down the stairs. Last weekend, I helped my parents clean the house, such as sweeping the floor, washing the clothes, wiping the windows and so on. 2. go to a place to do sth 昨天下午我们去火车站去为他送行。(see sb off) 2)上周六我和朋友们去北京参观故宫。( the Forbidden City) 3) 三月五日,我们去敬老院去帮助老人做一些事 (senior citizens home) We went to the train station to see him off yesterday afternoon. Last Saturday, I went to Beijing to visit the Forbidden City with my friends. On March 5th, we went to a senior citizens home to help the old people to do something. 3. 翻译句子: 1)上周五,我上网查询旅游信息,例如天气,景点等等. 2) 最后我们和他们道别.(say goodbye to sb) 3) 我向他们挥手告别。 4)我希望他们旅途顺利.(smooth) Last Friday, I searched the Internet for some information about trips, such as weather, sights and so on. At last, we said goodbye to them. I waved goodbye to them. I wished them a smooth trip. 巩固提高 2010丰台1模 情景作文(20分) 假如你是红星中学高三一班的学生。3月5日是学雷锋日,你班组织了一次帮扶活动。请根据下面四幅图所提供的活动内


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