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车联网:物联网在城市交通网络中的应用 摘要:阐述了“物联网”和“车辆网”这两个热门概念的内涵和外延。通过分析两者的发展历程、历史沿革和相互关系,比较它们在实际生活中的应用, 认为车联网可以看作物联网在城市交通网络中的典型应用,展望了车联网在服务与应用方面的美好愿景。以此为基础,讨论了车联网实现的关键技术,并介绍了一个过渡型构建方案。最后,详细讨论了在物联网和车联网领域里国内外学术研究现状。 关键词:车联网;物联网;网联城市智能交通 liu xiaoyang*, wu minyou department of computer science and engineering, shanghai jiao tong university, shanghai 200240, china abstract: this paper discusses the connotation and extension of two hot topics, namely, 搕he internet of things (iot)?and 搗ehicular cps? by analyzing their courses of development, history and relationships, and comparing their applications in daily life, the authors are in favor that vehicular cps can be regarded as an application of iot in vehicular networks. furthermore, the authors look into the bright future of services and applications resulting from vehicular cps. with this in mind, the authors discuss the key technologies of implementing vehicular cps and introduce an initiative. the authors also discuss in details about the academic research at home and abroad in the area of the internet of things and vehicular cps. this paper discussed the connotation and extension of two hot concepts, namely, “the internet of things (iot)” and “vehicular cps (cyber physical system)”. by analyzing their courses of development, history and interrelationship, and comparing their applications in daily life, the authors are in favor that vehicular cps can be regarded as an application of iot in vehicular networks. furthermore, the authors look into the bright future of services and applications resulting from vehicular cps. with this in mind, the authors discussed the key technologies of implementing vehicular cps and introduced an initiative. the authors also discussed in detail the academic research at home and abroad in the area of the internet of things and vehicular cps. key words: vehicular cyber physical system (cps); internet of things (iot); networking the intelligent transportation system 信息领域正发生着由互联网到物联网的新一轮技术革命。车联网是战略性新兴产业



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