
《GB14048.11-二零一六年 转换开关电器(CB级)》.doc

《GB14048.11-二零一六年 转换开关电器(CB级)》.doc

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《GB14048.11-二零一六年 转换开关电器(CB级)》.doc

申请CCC强制认证产品描述 (低压电器类) Product Description For China Compulsory Certification (Low-voltage Products) 申请编号(Application No.) 申请人(Applicant) 地址(Applicant’s Address) 工厂编号(Factory’s Code) 生产厂(Factory) 地址(Factory’s Address) 产品名称(Name of Product) 转换开关电器(CB级)(TSE(Class CB)) 型号(Model) 申请单位(印章) Applicant’s seal here 企业自我声明1 (Applicant Declaration 1) 本企业在此郑重声明:本次申请中,我单位向指定检测机构提供的型号/规格为 的 (产品名称)是由 (生产厂名称)于 (生产厂地址) 完成最终装配和出厂检验。 本企业对提以上情况的真实性负责,否则由此引起任何事情由本企业将承担全部责任。 Herein we solemnly declare that the final assemble and routine tests of ________________ (product name) under ____________ (model type and specification) _______________ within this application are done by _______________ (factory name) in _________________________________ (factory address).We guarantee the truth of the above declaration; otherwise we are willing to assume any possible consequences. 申证企业负责人(签名): Applicant’s principal(signature) 日期(Date): (企业盖章) (Applicant’s seal here) 企业自我声明2 (Applicant Declaration 2) 企业名称(Applicant): 申证产品名称、型号规格(Product Name and Mode): 注册商标(Trade Mark): 本企业在此郑重声明:上述申证产品所使用的型号和商标保证严格遵守国家有关法律法规和政府部门的有关规定。如有乱用、冒用其他企业产品的型号和商标导致侵权行为,本企业将对其后果承担全部法律责任。 本企业对提供所有与认证有关资料的真实性负责。如果本企业获证的产品有所变更,将及时提交产品变更报告,否则由此引起任何事情由本企业将承担全部责任。 Herein we solemnly declare: all the modes and trademarks of the above-applied product are strictly complied with the relevant laws, stipulations and governmental regulations. We will bear all the law liability in case of infringement of the modes and trademarks of other manufactures. We are liable for the authenticity of all the documentation we submit for CCC approval. We will keep you informed in case of product changes by submitting product change report; otherwise we will bear responsibilities for all the consequences arising therefore. 申证企业负责


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