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Agricultural Science Technology, 2013, 14(9): 1328-1331, 1351
Copyright 訫 2013, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Resources and Environment
Influence of Different Irrigation Models and
Amounts on Jujube under Jujube鄄cotton
1, 2, 3 2 2 2 2
Xiaojuan RAO , Zhiguo WANG , Bo ZHOU , Yaozu FENG , Yali TANG
1. Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College; Changji 831100, China;
2. Institute of Soil and Fertilizer and Agricultural Sparing Water Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Urumqi 830091, China ;
, , ,
3. Xinjiang College of Pratacultural and Environmental Science Xinjiang Agricultural University Urumqi 830052 China
Abstract [Objective] The aim was to explore the differences of jujube growth by in鄄 枣棉间套作下红枣不同灌溉方
tercropping with cotton and mono鄄cropping and to research effects of three irrigation
models and quantity on jujube. [Method] The field experiment with three factors and 式及灌水量对红枣的影响
two levels were applied for the study in order to research the effect of all treat鄄 饶晓娟 1,2,3 ,王治国 2 ,周勃 2 ,冯耀祖 2* ,唐亚莉 2
ments with the yield, quality, bearing branch, flower, fruit diameter of jujube. [Result]
With different irrigation patterns, the result of comparing the length of bearing branch (1. 新 疆 农 业 职 业 技 术 学 院 , 新 疆 昌 吉
831100 2.
was drip irrigation furrow irrigation micro spray, and the result of comparing the ; 新疆农科院土壤肥料与农业节水研
number of bearing branch, the bud number, the flower number, fruit diameter w
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