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本科生毕业设计 题 目: 基于PLC十字路口交通灯的 控制系统的设计 学生姓名: 系 别: 机械与电气工程系 专业年级: 指导教师: 2014年 6 月 10日 摘 要 针对近年来城市交通的拥挤现象,特别是驾驶员违章严重、交通事故频发、车辆尾气污染等问题,介绍了集计算机、信息、电子及通讯等众多高新技术手段于一体的智能交通指挥中心控制系统。在系统的设计中,主要使用了PLC和传感器相结合的方法,自动获取车辆数据,根据相应流量状况自动增加或减少绿灯时长,进行智能控制。该系统的安装可以大大缓解了城市道路堵塞现象、提高了道路的通行能力。减少了驾驶员违章的次数,抑制了交通事故的发生,同时对减轻车辆尾气排放,从而降低环境污染都起到了不可低估的作用。 分析了现代城市交通控制与管理问题的现状,结合城乡交通的实际情况阐述了交通灯控制系统的工作原理,给出了一种简单实用的城市交通灯控制系统的硬件电路设计方案。本文主要通过西门子PLC 控制交通红绿灯。 关键词:西门子S7-200;交通灯;PLC;梯形图 ABSTRACT In recent years the urban traffic, especially the driver crowding illegal serious incidents, vehicles, traffic problems such as exhaust pollution, this paper introduces set computer, information, electronic and communication etc many high-tech means in the integration of intelligent transportation command center control system. In the design of the system, the main use of PLC and sensor combination of methods, the automatic acquisition vehicle data, according to the corresponding traffic automatically increase or decrease the green duration of intelligent control. This system installation can greatly alleviate the urban road congestion phenomena, improve the road transportation capacity. Reduced the number of drivers violation, curbing the traffic accidents, and to reduce vehicle exhaust emission, reducing environmental pollution have played a cannot underestimate role. Analyzes modern urban traffic control and management problems, based on the status of the actual situation of urban traffic control system is described the working principle of lights, and puts forward a simple and practical urban traffic control system hardware circuit design. In this paper, Siemens Programmable Logic Controller control traffic through the traffic lights. Key words: siemens S7-200; traffic lights; plc; ladder-diagram 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 绪论 2 1.1 引言 2 1.2 课题背景 2 1.3 设计目的和意义 3 第


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