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* * * All about People 2011 Ideas Idea Boards: All departments implemented idea boards. Structured work with a target for number of implemented ideas Purpose: Improve idea generation and implementation. The employees are responsible for improving their everyday work ”We need a routine not just for doing the work, but for continually improving the work” Source: Liker Rother What characterized the Aligned Culture Structure Phase ”Just Do It” environment Empowered the employees to drive improvements and take initiatives All employees were the driving force in implementing Lean Breakthroughs Challenges The most significant Breakthroughs of the journey? Change Readiness Driving Change Transparency and Flow Employee involvement Lack of trust Blame culture Lack of communication Lack of interest in the entire value chain Decisions based on assumptions Silo thinking Lack of patience Lack of proper training and development of people Challenges - Overcoming the wall of: ”...a very large percentage of those we had evaluated were experts at implementing tools of lean but had not deeply embedded them into their culture” – Robert Miller, Executive Director of the Shingo Prize, 2010 NintyFive5 Results Summary Result examples: Scrap Productivity Result examples: Delivery Performance Complaints Handling Result examples: Non-planned Deviations Batches per FTE Result examples: Leadtime 25% 16% Pharmaceutical Industry 20% 21% Lundbeck Cost of Sales percentage RD percentage Adding value to patients Source: Future Pharma – Five Strategies to Accelerate the Transformation of the Pharmaceutical Industry by 2020. KPMG 2010 Source: H. Lundbeck A/S Annual Report 2010 Best Supply Chain – is it possible? Shingo Silver Medallion Shingo Silver Medallion The Silver Medallion is a recognition of Lundbeck’s work to introduce new production/leadership principles in Supply Operations Engineering that have led to


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