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2015届九年级自荐生考前练习 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。 them, interest, with, instead, make, what, or, chance, how, easy Children like to copy(模仿) what they hear. They copy their parents, their friends and even the TV. This teaches them __61__ to speak the language. Copying also does good to students of a second language. When you listen to foreigners speak English, repeat __62__ they say as loudly as you can. Children don’t practice grammar, but use the language to talk about things that interests them. They don’t complain about their vocabulary __63__ poor grammar. They find ways to express __64__, and they do it successfully. Students of English should also pay their attention to communication. Look for __65__ to talk with people in English. If you can’t find a foreigner to talk to, talk with other students of English __66__. Start an English discussion and talk about music, movies or anything that __67__ you. Don’t worry about __68__ mistakes. What you want it to learn how to communicate __69__ and comfortably. Remember that you can communicate successfully even __70__ a small vocabulary. when home happy be so his spend with park on Last Monday, my husband and I 46 some time in the park next to our house. We often went to this 47 and we knew there were some homeless people. They sometimes stayed 48 the benches (长椅). We brought along some apples, oranges and a few bottles of water to share with them. I felt great happiness 49 I watched them eating our things. They said it was a big dinner for them and it was the luckiest day for them in their lives. Among them, there 50 a homeless boy Bruce. He was about eight years old and he lost 51 parents in a car accident, 52 he couldn’t go to school. When I asked him, “Do you like to school?” He said yes. We decided to take him 53 and let him go to school. The boy was happy to live 54 us. From that day on, little Bruce became



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