七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Lesson 41 Were People Healthy Then课件 (新版)冀教版.pptVIP

七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Lesson 41 Were People Healthy Then课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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* 冀教版 七年级下册 Were People Healthy Then? Lesson 41 Now and Then What do you know about Canada? 加拿大位于北美洲北半部,东临大西 洋,西濒太平洋,北临北冰洋 是世界面积第二大国,为998万多平方公里 英语和法语为官方语言 首都渥太华 土著居民为印地安人和因纽特人 主要城市:多伦多、温哥华、蒙特利尔 加拿大有“枫叶之国”的美誉 加拿大国旗 加拿大国徽 第一民族(First Nations),是一个加拿大的种族名称,与印地安人(Indian)同义,指的是在现今加拿大境内的北美洲原住民及其子孙,但是不包括因努伊特人和梅提斯人。加拿大土著民族包括印第安人、因纽特人和梅第人。因纽特人很久以前就居住在加拿大北极圈附近及阿拉斯加。梅第人是欧洲人与印第安人的混血。印第安人有的有身份,有的无身份。 有身份的印第安人是指那些在官方登记处注册过的、在印第安人法令管理下的印第安人,他们自称为“第一民族”,以表明自己是最早居住在美洲大陆的主人。从文化人类学的视角来看,有身份的印第安人与无身份的印第安人在文化上没有区别。现在,人们通常用“第一民族”泛指所有的印第安人,偶尔也有人用“第一民族”泛指所有土著民族。 First Nations people have pow-wow dances every year. A pow-wow is a gathering of First Nation people. It is a special event. People meet to dance, sing, talk and have fun. Sometimes, they even have dancing competitions. How long does a pow-wow usually last? Well, an important pow-wow can last for one week! Listen and answer the questions. How was life for the First Nations people a long time ago? 1. What did they eat? 2. Were they healthy? Natural food like fish and vegetables. Yes, they were very healthy. 3. Did they go fishing? 4. What did they do after work? Yes, they did. They rested and played together. Read the lesson and complete the passage with the correct words. First Nation people came to ______ a long time ago. They went fishing and _______ for food every day. They spent a lot of time outdoors and they ate good, _______ food. After a hard day of work, they often made a big ____ and had pow-wow dances. Some people played the drums and _____ danced around the fire. Canada hunting natural fire others Work in pairs. Life was different a long time ago. Compare the differences between life then and life now. Life then Life now How to get food What to eat by fishing and hunting buy it at the supermarket natural food like fish and vegetables fast food or convenient food Life then Life now What to do after work Feelings about life played together, danced, played drums Most of time, stay at home; sometimes play t



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