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·30 · 江西能源 2009( 2 ) 研究与探讨 企业能源审计与节能规划的研究 潘 雷 宋文武 (西华大学能源与环境学院 四川成都 610039) 摘 要:文章从中国能源审计与节能规划研究的现状入手,以攀枝花钢铁有限责任公司本部的能源审计和节能规划 为研究对象,利用对企业生产现场调查、资料核查和炉窑的测试等手段,调查该公司的基本情况,分析该公司的管 理系统、能源利用现状、能源利用水平,研究该公司在能源购入、能源加工转换、能源输送、能源使用四大环节中 存在的问题,并指出其节能潜力,提出节能措施和建议。 关键词:节能、能源审计、节能规划、节能潜力、节能措施 + 中图分类号:TK01 8 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-7676 (2009)02 -30 - 06 Investigation of Enterprise ’s Energy Audit and Energy- saving Plan PAN Lei SONG Wen- wu (Energy and Environment Institute of Xihua University,ChengDu,610039) Abstract: This paper started with the investigation of energy audit and energy- saving plan which took Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co.Ltd as the research object. The basic situation of the company was investigated based on the investigation of production field 、materials and stove test. After the problems existing in the major aspects such as energy purchase, energy conversion, energy transportation and energy use for the company were found, the management system, the status of energy use and energy use level were analyzed. Finally its energy- saving potential was pointed out and some specific energy- saving measures and recommendations were given in the paper. Key words: energy- saving, energy audit, energy- saving plan, energy- saving potential, energy- saving measure 再生的一次性能源,开发利用可再生的能源资源, 1 引言 同时要考虑到能源使用后的CO 排放。在我国经济 2 随着社会的不断发展、进步,人类越来越严峻 体制和企业经营机制改革不断深化的情况下,如何 的面临着 “人口、资源与环境”三大问题。解决能 运用科学合理的手段和方法,依法对企业的能源利 源问题的根本途径之一,便


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