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Workshop Moderated Regression Analysis EASP summer school 2008, Cardiff Wilhelm Hofmann Overview of the workshop Introduction to moderator effects Case 1: continuous ? continuous variable Case 2: continuous ? categorical variable Higher-order interactions Statistical Power Outlook 1: dichotomous DVs Outlook 2: moderated mediation analysis Main resources The Primer: Aiken West (1991). Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Cohen, Aiken, West (2004). Regression analysis for the behavioral sciences, [Chapters 7 and 9] West, Aiken, Krull (1996). Experimental personality designs: Analyzing categorical by continuous variable interactions. Journal of Personality, 64, 1-48. Whisman McClelland (2005). Designing, testing, and interpreting interactions and moderator effects in family research. Journal of Family Psychology, 19, 111-120. This presentation, dataset, syntaxes, and excel sheets available at Summer School webpage! What is a moderator effect? Effect of a predictor variable (X) on a criterion (Z) depends on a third variable (M), the moderator Synonymous term: interaction effect Examples from social psychology Social facilitation: Effect of presence of others on performance depends on the dominance of responses (Zajonc, 1965) Effects of stress on health dependent on social support (Cohen Wills, 1985) Effect of provocation on aggression depends on trait aggressiveness (Marshall Brown, 2006) Simple regression analysis Simple regression analysis Multiple regression with additive predictor effects Multiple regression with additive predictor effects Multiple regression including interaction among predictors Multiple regression including interaction among predictors Regression model with interaction: quick facts Regression model with interaction Case 1: both predictors (and the criterion) are continuous X: height M: age Y: life satisfaction Does the effect of height on life satisfaction depend on age? The Data (avai


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