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Stratified Diagonal Layered SpaceTime Architecture Mathini Sellathurai* and Gerard J. Foschini** *Communications Research Centre, Canada (This work has been carried out at Bell Labs during an internship) **Bell Laboratories, Crawford-Hill, NJ DMACS Workshop on Signal Processing for Wireless Transmission (M,N) communication systems A communication structure uses multiple transmit (M) and multiple receive (N) antennas and provides enormous capacity in rich scattering environments. BLAST: Prior Work *Introduction by Foschini (’96) (M,N) Generalization of Shannon’s (1,1) Capacity Formula LogDet Formula DIAGONAL BLAST Capacity Lower-bound (5,5) system with interference nulling and cancellation HORIZONTAL BLAST Capacity lower-bound: -ISSUE: POSSIBILITY OF EFFICIENT COMMUNICATION OVER THE M PARALLEL 1-D “HELICAL LAYERS” - Used with iterative interference cancellation detection Stratified Diagonal BLAST Fundamentals of stratification SD-BLAST transmitter-receiver structure Mutual information of SD-BLAST: Highlights of the derivation Outage capacity evaluation of SD-BLAST: Monte-Carlo method STRATIFICATION AND CAPACITY C = log2[1+(P/s2)] bps/Hz Assume infinite signaling intervals SD-BLAST: Transmitter Detection Peeling away of successive plies (five strata each) from outside-in. Mutual Information of SD-BLAST: Highlights Power into a transmit antenna in an (M,N) system Power into a stratum in an (M,N) system with n stratification Whitening Matched Filter Receiver Mutual Information Signal-to-Interference plus noise ratio over a symbol-stratum interval Mutual information of a stratum is Mutual Information (MI) of a Ply MI added by the ith strata Asymptotic sum capacity As , asymptotic sum capacity Outage capacity Unlike traditional outage capacity definition, in SD-BLAST we need to define outage capacities for n-strata capacities Ci, i=1,2,….,n. For comparison purposes, we also define outage
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