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C O N S O L I D A T E D F I N A N C I A L S T A T E M E N T S CARE USA and Subsidiaries Year Ended June 30, 2013 With Report of Independent Auditors Ernst Young LLP CARE USA and Subsidiaries Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended June 30, 2013 Contents Report of Independent Auditors1  Consolidated Balance Sheet 3  Consolidated Statement of Activities 4  Consolidated Statement of Functional Expenses 5  Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 6  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 7  1.  Organization 7  2.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 10  3.  Description of Net Asset Designations and Restriction 18  4.  Endowment 18  5.  Investments 2 1  6.  Fair Value Measurements 22  7.  Receivables, net 25  8.  Microfinance Loans Receivable, net 26  9.  Deposits and Other Assets 27  10.  Property and Equipment, net 28  11.  Defined Contribution Plans 28  12.  Postretirement Benefits 29  13.  Program Advances 32  14.  Subsidiary Loans Payable 33  15.  Subsidiary and Related Entities Balance Sheets and Statements of Activities 34  16.  Commitments and Other Matters 35  17.  Related Parties 37  18.  Subsequent Events 37  19.  Contingencies 38  Ernst Young LLP Tel: +1 404 874 8300 Suite 1000 Fax: +1 404 817 5589 55 Ivan Allen Jr. Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30308 Report of Independent Auditors The Board of Directors Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhe


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