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Crustal Deformation 10 Crustal Deformation begins with a brief examination of the processes of crustal deformation, including the various types of stress, strain, and the factors that affect rock deformation. The mapping of geologic structures is examined along with the concept of strike and dip. The various types of folds (anticlines, synclines, domes, and basins) and faults (both dip-slip and strike-slip) are investigated in detail. The chapter closes with a discussion of the formation and geologic significance of joints. Learning Objectives After reading, studying, and discussing the chapter, students should be able to: Briefly discuss the significance and role of structural geology in understanding Earth. Explain the concept of deformation, including force, stress, and strain. Compare and contrast the various types of stress. Discuss how temperature, confining pressure, rock type, and time all affect rock deformation. Distinguish between brittle and ductile deformation. Explain the concept of strike and dip and how it relates to the mapping of geologic structures. Discuss the folding of rocks, including the origin, characteristics, and some geographic examples of folding. Discuss the faulting of rocks, including the origin and stresses responsible for faults. Compare and contrast the two major categories of faults, including the terminology and movements used to define the various types of faults and some geographic examples where faulting occurs. Briefly discuss the origin and significance of joints. Chapter Outline___________________________________________________________________ I. Structural Geology: a study of Earth’s architecture Structural geologists study the architecture of Earth’s crust and “how it got to be that way” insofar as it resulted from deformation A working knowledge of rock structures is essential to our modern way of life II. Deformation Deformation is a general term that refers to all changes in the original form and/or size of


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