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Dan’s story .uk/stress/video/danstory1.htm Let’s revisit Dan .uk/stress/video/danstory2.htm * But we can see that by taking action before Dan reached the point of feeling stressed, his manager helped Dan feel happier and stopped him going off work sick. By talking to Dan about his role and the possible causes of stress such as demands and a lack of control over his work, his manager was able to identify what actions to put in place that might prevent stress from happening. His manager also made it clear that he is available to listen if Dan wants to discuss any issues. He also involved his staff in decisions at work. * Dan’s manager displayed competencies that are effective in tackling stress at work. HSE, along with CIPD and IIP, commissioned research into what these competencies are and came up with 4 broad areas: RESPECTFUL AND RESPONSIBLE: MANAGING EMOTIONS AND HAVING INTEGRITY MANAGING AND COMMUNICATING EXISTING AND FUTURE WORK MANAGING THE INDIVIDUAL WITHIN THE TEAM REASONING/MANAGING DIFFICULT SITUATIONS * The role of the line manager is crucial. Studies have shown that skilled, committed line managers can stop work related stress affecting the health and performance of their team members. By investing in line managers, employers are both enhancing the performance of the organisation and protecting the health of its employees. Our research into Line Manager Competencies has led to development of the Line manager Competency Tool with which line managers can examine their current behaviours and identify strengths and areas for improvement. It also goes on to suggest how these improvements can be made. The Line Manager Competency Tool is available on the HSE stress website is still in development. We are currently working on a newer version. This includes an opportunity to get feedback from a colleague or to get 360° feedback as part of an on-line supported learning package. All of this should be freely available on HSE website in the near futu


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