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Tensor Visualization Zheng Xiaoqiang Tensor Visualization What is 3D tensor field? Why is it important? Where can we find it? Previous Work Pseudo-coloring Tensor glyphs Hyperstreamlines Interactive deformation Artistic methods Topology-based techinques Hyperstreamlines Interactive Deformation Topology Tensor Glyphs Artistic Methods Lit Tensor Tensor Primers Velocity gradient Scalar second-order gradient Polar decomposition Symmetric and Anti-Symmetric Decomposition Primers Cont’ A symmetric tensor can be decomposed into three perpendicular eigen vectors with corresponding eigen values There are many ways to get symmetric tensor fields Many techniques can only be applied on symmetric tensor fields Deformation Methods Based on interactive deformation Drawbacks of interactive deformation Only one direction of tensor information is shown One slide of tensor is drawn Deformation Methods Normal Vector Methods Combine the normal vector of the object and the tensor fields as the deforming force Isotropic Deformation Let the tensor force consume the object Normal Vector Deformation Advantages Don’t need users choose the input vector Combine different input vectors rather than one with the tensor fields Disadvantages Users are required to choose the primary assembling direction Time-consuming integration algorithm Normal Vector Deformation At the first stage, the object is divided into many slices At each time step, the normal vector of each slice is combined with the tensor field to deform the object Normal vectors are updated and start a new time step Single Point Load Spring Model I used spring models to resolve conflicts between layers The object is considered as a spring networks The shape of the deformed objects represents the tensor fields in the primary assembling direction Isotropic Deformation Advantages: The tensor information in all direction is combined into the deformation Don’t need the user’s input vector at all Disadvantages: Complicat


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