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电源管理指南 /power 2013 年 电源管理指南 Power Management Guide 简介及目录 Introduction and Contents 德州仪器 (TI) 拥有全系列高性能产 Texas Instruments (TI) offers complete 品,能够提供完整的电源解决方 power solutions with a full line of high- Table of Contents 目录 performance products. These prod- 案。从标准线性稳压器到高效率的 Portable and Line Power LED Lighting ucts, which range from standard linear 便携式与线路电源解决方案 照明 DC/ DC 转换器和电池管理器件,这 Solutions LED 74 General Illumination regulators to highly efficient DC/DC 3 线路电源解决方案 普通照明 些产品专为帮助您解决各种设计难 3 Line Power Solutions 74 converters and battery management, 3 便携式电源解决方案 Display Power 题而量身打造。而且, 可提供诸 3 Portable Power Solutions TI 显示器电源 are tailored to meet your design chal- 78 LCD/OLED Display Bias 如 WEBENCH® Design Center 、种 AC/DC and Isolated DC/DC Solutions显示偏差解决方案 lenges. And, TI makes designing easier AC/DC 与隔离式 DC/DC 电源 78 LCD/OLED 类丰富的评估板 (EVM) 、内容详实 Power Supply 81 LED Driver – Backlight with leading-edge support tools such 4 概述 驱动器背光 81 LED - ® 的应用手册以及综合全面的技术文 4 Overview 85 Camera Flash LED Drivers as the WEBENCH Design Center, a 5 功率因数校正 (PFC) 85 相机闪光灯 LED 驱动器 档等业界领先的支持工具,从而使



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