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50 2007 11 Al- 5. 3Cu- 0. 8Mg- 0. 6Ag 肖代红 , 陈康华, 宋 ( 中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室, 湖南长沙4 10083) - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 : 研究了Al- 5. 3Cu- 0. 8Mg- 0. 6Ag 合金板在温度400 ~ 520 以及应变速 1 10 s ~ 1 10 s 下的 超塑性变形能力及其变形机制结果显示, 轧制态的Al- 5.3Cu- 0. 8Mg - 0. 6Ag 合金在500 及应变速 5 10- 4 s- 1时的最大延伸 为320% , 应变速 敏感系数达到0. 58高应变速 下超塑性变形过程中主要机制为晶界滑动, 协调机制则是空洞的形核长大与断裂 : Al- 5. 3Cu- 0. 8Mg- 0. 6Ag 合金; 超塑性; 变形机制; 显微组织 : TG 146. 21 : A : 2007) 11505 Superplasti city of a sheet Al- 5. 3Cu- 0. 8Mg- 0. 6Ag alloy at elevated temperature XIAO D i- hong, CHEN K ng- hu , SONG Min ( State K ey L aboratory of Pow der M etal lurgy , Central South Un iv ers ity , Changsha 4 10083, Chi na) Abstract: Superpl stic beh vior nd deform tion mech nism of the sheet Al- 5. 3Cu- 0. 8Mg- 0. 6Ag lloy w s investig ted t temper tures r nging - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 400 ~ 520 nd str in r tes r nging 1 10 s ~ 1 10 s . Rolled Al- 5. 3Cu- 0. 8M g- 0. 6Ag lloys obt ined excellent superpl sticity w ith - 4 - 1 the m ximum elong tion- to- f ilure of 320% t 500 nd str in r te of 5 10 s , nd the str in r te sensitivity exponent is high up to 0. 58. T he domin nt deform tion mech nism in high str in r tes is gr in bound ry sliding, w hile the m in ccommod ting mech nism is c vity nucle tion, growth nd fr cture. Key words:Al- Cu- Mg- Ag lloy; superpl sticity; deform tion mech nism; microstructure , ZrTi , , Al- Cu- Mg- Ag 1~ 5, 188mm 78mm 19 mm 500 ,



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