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30 2 JOURNAL OF V IBRATION AND SHOCK Vo.l 30 No. 2 2011 1 1 2 , , ( 1. , , 200072; 2. , 200092) : , , , , , , : ; ; ; : TU973+ . 31 : A A simplified calculationmethod for solving elasoplastic displacement of a bucklingrestrained braced frame under severe earthquakes 1 1 2 H U Baolin , YAO W enj uan , LI Guoqiang ( 1. Departm ent of C ivil Engineering, ShanghaiUn iversity, Shanghai Institute of Applied M athematics andM echan ics, Shanghai 200072, China; 2. School of C ivil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China) Abstract: A mi ing at a bucklingrestrained braced frame under severe earthquakes, using additional effective damp ing ratio and energy principle, a smi plified calcu lation method to solving its elasticplastic displacement w as system atically analyzed. Here, the detailed calcu lating method and steps w ere presented. Moreover, the comparison analysis betw een the resu lt of the smi plified calcu lation method and the mean of the results of ten seism ic w aves elastop lastic tmi eh istory analysesw as carried out. It w as shown that the smi plified calculation method is a correct and effective one. Key words: bucklingrestrained braced frame; severe earthquakes; interstorey d isplacemen;t smi plified calculation method , 1 , , , = W / ( 4W ) ( 1) a c s , , : ; W



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