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南京工程学院 自动化学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 经济型数控钻床控制系统硬件电路设计 专 业: 自动化(数控技术应用) 班 级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 起迄日期: 设计地点: _ Graduation Design (Thesis) Hardware Design of Economic NC Drilling Machine By Huang Li gang Supervised by Associate Prof. Hua mao fa Department of Automation Engineering Nanjing Institute of Technology June, 2007 摘 要 本文介绍了经济型数控钻床控制系统硬件电路的设计方法。该控制系统以8031为主CPU,用它来控制整个数控钻床的工作,另外选用89C2051作从CPU ,实现对八位LED动态显示电路的控制。主CPU 8031扩展了外部程序存储器27256和数据存储器6264,外部程序存储器用于存放系统程序;数据存储器用于存放加工程序和数控系统处理的中间数据。本设计用8155来实现键盘接口电路的扩展。数控钻床的MDI方式包括手动、自动、空运行、回零、编辑等,它的扩展本设计选用了8255芯片的PA口。步进电机控制信号由8031发出,通过总线驱动,由74LS273D触发器向外发送。利用8155和8255的剩余口进行输入输出接口电路的扩展。各芯片间信息的相互传递,通过数据总线和控制总线来实现。 加之以相应的软件,此系统就构成了完整的数控钻床控制系统。它不仅可以作为经济型数控钻床的控制系统,还可用作对普通钻床的数控改造。在国内的中小企业将有一定的应用市场。 关键词:数控钻床;控制系统;电路设计; ABSTRACT In this paper, the design of economy numerical control system for drilling machine is introduced. A 8031 used as the host CPU, the control system controls the entire numerical drilling machine. Another MCU, 89C2051, is used as the slave CPU to achieve the control of LED. An external ROM 27256 and a RAM 6264 was used to store system program and the machining data separately. And the keyboard function was realized with an 8155. The MDI function of the NC drilling machine including manual and automatic operation, returning to zero, editing and so on, which were realized with the PA port of a 8255 chip. The control signal, with which the step motor is driven, was generated with a MCU, 8031, and transmitted with a D latch 74LS273. Other ports of 8155 and 8255 were used for the I/O signal of the NC system. The information exchange of different chips was realized with the data bus and the control bus. With adequate software, this system can be integrated to NC system of a drilling machine or used in the reconstruction of universal drilling machine. So it will find its widely usage in the markets of middle or small enterprise. Key words: Numerical control


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