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品牌画册文案 Brochure 品牌故事 Brand Story 2002年,CONWOOD进驻中国,落户于时尚之都——上海。倡导个性、自由、时尚的搭配及出行方式。运用多彩的设计,丰富的款式让消费者自由随心搭配,深深影响着一批批年轻群体关于旅行箱的审美理念与趣味。 个性、随性的表达方式,让消费者在旅途中更忠于自我,表达自我,完善自我! 自诞生以来,CONWOOD匠心独运的气质以及精益求精的服务理念深受时尚一族的喜爱。 In 2002, CONWOOD entered in China market and settled in the fashion city Shanghai. Speaking for personalized, unrestricted and stylish way of matching and traveling, CONWOOD allows consumer full freedom in their selection of matching by applying a polychrome and diversified scheme to its design, and has exerted profound influence on the youth regarding their aesthetic concept and taste for suitcase. The personalized, casual way CONWOOD has chosen to express itself makes consumers more aware of a passion of sticking to, expressing and improving themselves during their journey! Since its birth, CONWOOD has exerted a fascination on those fashion pursuers by virtue of its unique charm and “Best of the Best” philosophy. 品牌荣誉 Honors 2004年 海琛国际获得ISO9001 : 2000质量体系认证 2006年 被中国皮革协会评为中国箱包行业“十二强”企业 2007年 被上海市名牌产品推荐委员会推荐为“上海名牌” 2007年 获得零售业巨头METRO颁发“高质量、高工艺 ”供应商认证 2009年 荣获由中国皮革协会评选的“中国箱包优秀品牌”称号 2011年 系列产品获中国工业设计箱包类奖项——红星奖 In 2004, Haichen International passed the ISO9001 : 2000 quality system certification In 2006, rated by China Leather Industry Association (CLIA) as one of the Top 12 Companies in China’s luggage industry In 2007, recommended by Shanghai Commission of Brand-Name Products Recommendation as “Shanghai Famous Brand” In 2007, received the “High Quality, High Technology” supplier certification from the retail tycoon METRO In 2009, received the title “Prominent Brand of China Luggage” from CLIA In 2011, a number of products won the prize for luggage of China industrial design – Red Star Award 品牌文化 Culture “真我、乐活”是CONWOOD一贯倡导的生活态度。真我:不盲从,不随波逐流,还原本色,保持自我。乐活:自然、健康、快乐、分享。CONWOOD将这种理念融入到产品的设计及研发制造中,通过对旅行生活的深刻理解,对出行需求的全面关注,对真我乐活生活方式的不断探索,塑造出产品时尚、独特、青春、快乐的风格特点,赋予旅行产品源于生活却高于生活的深刻意义,为客户缔造了更优质的旅行体验。 “Be Yourself, Be Happy” is the life attitude CONWOOD has consiste


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