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Taking a Temperature Body heat is measured by taking a temperature with a thermometer. An increase in temperature, called a fever, may be a sign of infection. The common scale used to measure body temperature in the United States is degrees Fahrenheit (F). Other countries use degrees Centigrade (C). Temperature is measured using a thermometer orally, by placing it in the mouth, or axillary, by placing it under the arm in the armpit. Take a baby’s temperature under the arm unless directed otherwise by the doctor. Buy a digital thermometer at your local grocery or drug store. Ask for help to find them in the store. Taking a temperature using a digital thermometer • Oral or Mouth Temperature Do not put anything hot or cold in the mouth for 15 minutes before taking a temperature. This can affect the reading. 1. Take the thermometer out of its holder. 2. Clean the thermometer with soap and water or rubbing alcohol. 3. Turn the thermometer on and cover with a disposable cover if available. Check that the screen is clear of any earlier readings. 4. Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue toward the back of the mouth. 1 量体温 身体的热度通过用温度计量体温而测得。体温增加称之为发烧,这 可能是感染的一个症状。 美国用于测量体温的常见尺度是华氏温度 (F)。其他国家使用摄氏 温度 (C)。体温由口腔用温度计通过将其放在口中而测得,或用腋 窝温度计通过将其放在腋下测得。宝宝的体温通过腋下测得,除非 医生有其他医嘱。 在您当地的食品杂货店或药店买一支数字式温度计。请在店里要求 帮忙找到温度计。 用数字式温度计量体温 • 口腔或嘴部温度 量体温前 15 分钟请不要将任何热或冷的东西放入嘴里。这可能 会影响读数。 1. 将温度计从盒中取出。 2. 用肥皂和水或擦拭酒精以清洁温度计。 3. 打开温度计,如有一次性的护袋,请将温度计护袋盖上。查 看显示屏,确定没有任何先前的读数。 4. 将温度计的顶端放在舌下口腔后部。 Taking a Temperature. Simplified Chinese. 1 5. Close the lips gently around the thermometer. Do not bite down. It may need to be held it in place with a hand. 6. Keep the thermometer in place until it beeps. 7. Remove the thermometer. 8. Read the numbers in the window. These numbers are the temperature. Normal bo


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