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宜宾学院 毕 业 设 计 专 业:电子工程 学生姓名:曾林芳 指导教师:李庆 设计题目:直流稳压电源 摘 要 直流稳压电源由于具有效率高、体积小、重量轻的特点,近年来获得了飞速发展。直流稳压电源高频化是其发展的方向,高频化使开关电源小型化,并使直流稳压电源进入更广泛的应用领域,特别是在高新技术领域的应用,推动了高新技术产品的小型化、轻便化。本文主要以半桥变换电路为开关电源的主电路,设计一台品质优良的直流开关稳压电源。 直流开关稳压器中所使用的大功率开关器件价格较贵,其控制电路亦比较复杂,另外,开关稳压器的负载一般都是用大量的集成化程度很高的器件安装的电子系统。晶体管和集成器件耐受电、热冲击的能力较差。因而开关稳压器的保护应该兼顾稳压器本身和负载的安全。保护电路的种类很多,这里介绍极性保护、程序保护、过电流保护、过电压保护、欠电压保护以及过热保护等电路。 通常选用几种保护方式加以组合,构成完善的保护系统。直流高压稳压电源的长期稳定性主要受温度的影响,文中分析了直流高压稳压电源的构成原理,建立了温度稳定性的数学模型,给出了精确和可行的定量计算方法,并应用到具体的实例中加以验证,说明了该模型的应用价值,对直流高压稳压电源的设计具有理论指导作用。 关键词:稳压器 半桥变换电路 数学模型 应用价值 abstract?of?a?thesis Dc regulated power supply with the characteristics of high efficiency, small volume, light weight, obtained the rapid development in recent years. Dc regulated power supply high frequency is its development direction, high frequency, the miniaturization of switch power supply, dc regulated power supply and to enter into a wider range of application fields, especially in the high and new technology in the field of application, promoted the high-tech products of miniaturization, light change. This article mainly to transform half bridge circuit for the main circuit of switching power supply, design a high quality of dc regulated power supply switch. Dc switching voltage stabilizer used in high-power switching devices more expensive, the control circuit is also more complex, in addition, the switching voltage stabilizer load is usually with a high degree of large integrated device installed electronic systems. The transistor and the integrated device resistance electric and thermal shock ability is poor. Thus switching voltage stabilizer protection should take into account voltage regulator itself and the safety of the load. Many different kinds of protection circuit, introduced here polarity protection, procedure protection, over current protection, over-voltage protection, under voltage protection and overheat protection circuit. Usually chooses to combin


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