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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:薄板冷轧酸洗机组的分切剪 学生姓名: 号: 专 业:机械制造及其自动化 班 级:机械 05—2 班 指导教师: 内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书 薄板冷轧酸洗机组的分切剪 摘要 分切剪用来切去板材的头部和尾部大约 1.5 米的废板材,通过检测系统决定最佳去除 长度,被切除的废板材通过废料排出系统传送到轧制线的废料槽里面。 知道预先选定的剪切次数达到后剪切才能完成,上剪刃在各个液压阀的配合作用下完 成一次完整的剪切过程,包括上剪刃的下降以及后面的剪刃远离过程,分切刃的位置受哪 个压力继电器的指示取决于液压缸活塞杆的位置,为了维修安全起见,分切刃可以用锁紧 销机械锁紧,在不被锁进的情况下,锁紧销在一个合适的位置,这时不会影响到剪切过程, 液压控制刀刃夹紧装置将刀具的更换变得更方便快捷,在弹簧的作用下夹紧,在液压缸的 作用下放松。刀座上安装着剪刃间隙调整装置,它可以根据板材厚度和质地不同来调节剪 刃间隙。 关键词:分剪切 液压 剪刃间隙调整装置 I 内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书 abstract The dividing shear serves to crop the strip head as a function of a settable maximum number of cuts, as well as to chop the strip end, thereby producing about 1,5 m long scrap pieces. A tail-end optimization system determines the scrap-piece length at the strip tail. The scrap pieces will fall on the scrap discharge system belt and carried to the scrap chute on drive side of the line. Crop-cuts are carried out at the strip head until the pre-selected number of cuts has been reached The dividing-shear bottom knife accomplishes one complete cut upon each valve-coil excitation, comprising one upward motion of the bottom knife (= crosscutting of the strip) and subsequent opening of the dividing shear (= bottom knife down). The open position is indicated either by which depending on the position of the cylinder. for maintenance the shear can be mechanically blocked by means of a locking pin. This pin will have a fixed position when it is not locked in. This position will be monitored and is release condition for cutting.hydraulically operated knife clamping devices will facilitate knife changing and shorten changingperiods. Clamping is actuated by springs and will be released hydraulically. The released position ismonitored. The shear will be equipped with a gap adjustment, which must be adjusted according to a preset table depending on strip thickness and material quality. Key words:dividing shear Hydraulic gap adjustment II 内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书 目 录 摘要 .....................................


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