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吉林工程技术师范学院 毕业设计(论文) 2015年6月 金属内伤探测器设计研究 Research and design of internal metal detector 专 业: 姓 名: 班 级: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 摘 要 本文是基于单片机AT89S52,利用电感式接近开关传感器LJ18A4-10-Z/BD设计一个简易金属探测器用于检测金属存在并进行金属个数计数,包括硬件电路和软件设计两大部分。 硬件电路由传感器外围电路和单片机外围电路构成。电感式接近开关传感器是一个感应的线性器件 Abstract In this paper, it is to design a simple metal detector that can count the existing metal numbers on the basis of micro-controller AT89S52 and inductive proximity switch sensor LJ18A4-10-Z/BD, including the design of hardware circuit and software. The design of hardware circuit is made up of the sensor’s peripheral circuit and the micro-controller’s peripheral circuit. Inductive proximity switch is linear device that can induce the existing of metal. LJ18A4-10-Z/BD sensor will output a current without measured object. Until it induces metal, the output current will be changed. Because the output current can not be converted to digital signal directly, current to voltage converting circuit has to be needed, which changes the output current signal of sensor into voltage signal that satisfies the input requirements of PCF8591.After analog to digital converter(ADC), the digital signal is sent to micro-controller for processing. The design of software contains four parts which are ADC, date processing, liquid crystal display (LCD) and beep alarming. PCF8591 collects the initial voltage Uo and U(x) .U(x) is the voltage when the sensor is in condition of detecting metal. In the module of data processing it completes the precision changing of collected voltage and corrects the results to 2 decimal places, meanwhile it calculates the difference between the value of Uo and U(x), then compare the difference value with the sensor’s pre-established precision value to decide whether the sensor has induced metal. The Beeper alarms until detecting metal, at the same time the LCD displays the number of induced metals. Key words: mental detection;metal number counting;micro-co


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